Welcome To BMSICL
Government of Bihar (GoB) is committed to provide timely and effective Health Care Services to the people of Bihar. A majority of the poor people of Bihar usually depend on Public/Government Health Care Delivery Systems to address their preventative and curative health needs. Optimal availability of good quality drugs procured at competitive prices, quality provision of health related services and proper construction and maintenance of health facilities are of paramount importance for better Health Care Delivery. In such a scenario, the financing and supply of drugs, services, etc. for government health services has become one of the key concerns for GoB.
To meet the above mentioned objectives GoB has set up the Bihar Medical Services & Infrastructure Corporation (BMSICL) under the aegis of the Department of Health and Family Welfare (DoHFW)
Bihar Medical Services & Infrastructure Corporation Limited (BMSICL) has been incorporated on 26th July 2010 under section 617 of Indian Company Act 1956 as per the Sankalp cum Memo no. 466(12) Dated 19.05.2010 of Health Department, Government of Bihar.